Just A Dream...


This is me.
Always dreaming...

A beautiful man from a faraway land that I will never travel to told me that I looked liked the Degas Star that Nietzsche gave birth to in this photo…
I so want to believe he meant that…
but as Poe said all that we see or seem is just a dream within a dream…

I wrote the following poem when I was 15.
It is titled
Ligeia Dreams


I smell the earth
And it haunts my mind
I sense my Death
No Time! No Time!
Its flagrant scent
Assaults my breath
The stench of raw

I smell the earth
And it casts its spell
with its smell of sweet
Tear-dampened Hell

Entranced am I
Though cold with fear
The Temptress sure
lies waiting near

But as she beckons
I dare resist
The hands of Fate
(They hold no kiss!!!)

I smell the earth
and I sense its claim
On me & all my kind


For it's we who are
The seizers - WE -
Who hunt and pillage the land with glee

The farm does not
till the man!!!

The tree does not
pick the hand!!!

But ah.... the acrid
smell of dirt
grows more pungent still
when dampened wet

Fed with the blood of
slain youth long dead
Drenched with broken tears
so vainly shed

By its strong tow
I Slip...


I must fight this mortal foe!!!

I smell the Earth
Can't see! Can't see!

Oh GOD, the Earth
has covered me...


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